What is black garlic?
What is black garlic?
Black garlic is the result of the natural aging process of white garlic, undergoing a slow transformation where the garlic is exposed to heat for several weeks while controlling humidity. This chemical reaction is known as the Maillard reaction. During this process, the sugars and amino acids in white garlic react to produce compounds that result in the characteristic change in color, flavor, and texture of black garlic.The evolution of culinary practices and fermentation processes, particularly in cultures such as Asia, Japan, and Korea, led to the discovery of black garlic. With no additives or preservatives, it offers 100% natural goodness and is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. It’s a culinary game-changer and a real-food, superfood supplement all-in-one.

What does black garlic look like?
Color: Black garlic has a black or dark brown color.
Texture: The texture of black garlic is soft and sticky.
Garlic Head: Like white garlic, black garlic comes in heads or bulbs
made up of several cloves. However, black garlic cloves have a softer texture.
Peel: The outer skin of black garlic is easier to peel compared to white garlic, as it becomes softer during the transformation process and is dark brown in color.
Texture: The texture of black garlic is soft and sticky.
Garlic Head: Like white garlic, black garlic comes in heads or bulbs
made up of several cloves. However, black garlic cloves have a softer texture.
Peel: The outer skin of black garlic is easier to peel compared to white garlic, as it becomes softer during the transformation process and is dark brown in color.

What does black garlic taste like?
The flavor of black garlic is milder than conventional garlic. It is slightly sweet, slightly acidic, and very umami, with light hints of balsamic vinegar. It offers an umami flavor with a lot of depth. The strong and spicy flavor of fresh garlic disappears, and black garlic does not leave an aftertaste.
Umami is the fifth basic taste. Scientists identified umami taste receptors on the human tongue in 2002, along with sweet, sour, bitter, and salty taste buds. This means that umami is a flavor that is universally enjoyed. Umami is a word in Japanese that means “essence of deliciousness.”
How to use black garlic?
To benefit from its properties, it is advisable to consume 2 to 3 cloves of garlic a day on an empty stomach. You can put them directly in your mouth and chew, their flavor is much milder than that of white garlic. You can also use them in your meals to give it a more interesting touch and deepen the flavors. Use it in vinaigrettes, sauces, chicken, meat or fish, salads, pastas or combine it with your favorite vegetables.
Here you can see several recipes!
Did you know that no ingredients are added to black garlic?
It is 100% pure garlic.